Dressage Rider Training Reviews

Read these dressage rider fitness program reviews and testimonials below. These are from riders just like you who have completed the program and then sent me these photos and comments.

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Diane Levin – Colorado, USA

I love the DRT program! It is a whole lot harder to procrastinate or talk yourself into skipping a workout that is only 20 minutes a day and done at home! But my favorite thing is that it can be self-paced. The workouts can be downloaded and saved and I found it helpful for me (being pretty out of shape) to sometimes repeat weeks before moving on to the next one. There are tons of resources-extra exercises, articles, etc. I thought it was an incredible bargain!

Rebecca Mobberley – Wairarapa New Zealand

Hi Nicola, Over this year I have completed DRT-1 and DRT-2 and am looking forward to DRT-3. Earlier this year I made the transition from ponies to horses. It was important to me to step up physical and mentally and to have the stamina to be able to keep up with the big horses. I am now more stable in my seat, body and posture and am mentally stronger and faster. DRT has taught me to be present and more focussed which has helped me in my competitions where I mainly compete against adults. DRT has also taught me about the symmetry of the body and how to work to achieve that in everyday life as well as in my riding. I am able to balance myself better which allows my horses the freedom of movement in self carriage and means that my training is able to progress further. In terms of the DRT programme I find it helpful that, in places in my body where I am strong, I can opt for the harder movements. Where I am weaker I can complete the modified, easier movements. The support you offer helps to maintain my motivation and I enjoy the weekly homework and articles.

Camille Squire – London, UK

Dear Nicola,

I am 43 years old and I ride my horse Chico for fun whilst working towards pre- lim dressage.

I completed Drt 3 a few weeks ago and I am actually repeating it again already. I found this programme challenging in a good way compared to the other Drt programmes. The extended time for each exercise makes a big difference to the overall work out and I can definitely feel it by round 4 whilst wishing for the final buzzer! I am stronger, fitter, more balanced, more flexible and my reaction times and seat have all improved over the 12 weeks. I can finally allow my horse to move freely under me and we are both enjoying the confidence this has bought to our partnership.One aspect that stands out for me in this programme is the intention and mindfulness during exercise and using this as a daily practice on and off the mat. This programme has been invaluable in allowing me to be more present and breathe through discomfort whilst also teaching me the ability to relax around tension. I am so glad that I discovered Drt for a multitude of reasons as it has helped me progress in my passion and kept focused and sane during the pandemic and the challenges that 2020 has thrown up.

I am also really enjoying your on-line gym and I have been combining the yoga retreat programmes with the 20 minute workouts on Drt3 to work more on my flexibility and mindfulness. I will definitely continue when and if there is a DRT 4. I also really like the way that you explain how and why we are doing the exercises and I have recommended the programme to other equine friends.


Vasilena Boteva – Madrid, Spain

DRT program helped me to loosen my seat, explore new feelings and gain more sensitive ride and experience. I’m an amateur eventer that has always struggled with the dressage but felt starting to improve my relationship with the horse after the 2nd month of the program and being able to better use my body and aids. So much looking forward to go in depth into level 2 and see what this new year can offer me.

Chantel Thomas – Clonbinane, Australia

My horse Lovely and I absolutely LOVED your DRT program. I cannot believe the difference in my riding position and core strength I gained within 12 weeks. The beauty of DRT is how manageable and time productive the workouts are with my busy schedule. I am now sitting so connected with my horse, and my seat feels lighter and more secure through my core, which I feel lovely is moving better underneath me. I am lucky enough to have completed the program with five supportive friends, we encouraged and supported each other all the way to end of 12 weeks. I am so looking forward to starting DRT2 in 2021. Kind regards Chantel & Lovely

Sasha O’Donnell – Manly, Australia

I loved DRT! I live in Hong Kong and, during the pandemic, I was separated from my mare who is in Australia due to travel restrictions. I decided to try DRT to keep me fit while out of the saddle. I have found the course to be very motivating and a way to keep my mind and body connected to riding. As the pandemic has lingered on, I have recently taken up lessons on local horses. It’s clear to me that DRT has been nothing short of transformational! My core is stronger and, in the saddle, I find myself thinking before I act. “Ribs down, core engaged”. I will definitely do DRT 2 and make this course an ongoing part of my routine. Thank you Nicola!!

Cathy Philo – Fairfield, Australia

The program is excellent – very well paced and every session is different which keeps it interesting – NZ is always sunny. I’m a total convert and really want to keep going, including revisiting parts of DRT1 and all the homework I missed during lockdown. I am embarking on a journey with my new 6 year old – just had him for 3 weeks but its an exciting time for me to put all the DRT learnings into practice. A genuine thank you for what you do – I’ve run marathons and done lots of running training but its really great to have someone who understands riding.

Lauren Schnabel – North Carolina, USA

My trainer highly recommended DRT to me after overcoming a major injury and switching disciplines to dressage. DRT has exceeded my expectations in every way – the workouts easily fit into my hectic day and are fun and effective. My strength, balance, and mobility have dramatically improved and have translated into a much-improved riding position and seat. I was so sad to finish DRT1 that I ordered DRT2 as soon as I could and am now loving the challenge of these next level workouts! I’m excited about the future and very grateful to Nicola and the entire DRT team for such an exceptional program!”

Jo Tooze – Usk, United Kingdom

After 40 years doing a desk job I have now retired and bought a fabulous mare – Daisy, so I can live my dream.  This programme has made me much stronger, my dressage marks have improved and everyone is commenting on how well I am riding.  The sessions are sometimes tough but always fun, Nicola is a brilliant coach, and her giggle is infectious so I’m smiling even when it’s hurting.  Have already recommended it to friends.  Best thing I’ve done in years – will do DRT 2 after I’ve repeated DRT1,  thank you Nicola.

Lara Paroz – Northern Territory, Australia

Hi Nicola, I would like to thank you for the opportunity of doing a program like this. Finding something that focused on helping my riding as well as my fitness has been brilliant. I love that this program allows you to take things at your own pace. I feel so much stronger and fitter, which I’m sure in turn has helped with my motivation and confidence. I really think my horse has benefited as well. The improvements in my fitness and balance have helped with the way he moves and some of our rides lately have been awesome. I’m looking forward to starting DRT2.

Jeanette Levine – Ontario, Canada

This program is fabulous. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for DRT2; I found the last few weeks of DRT1 very challenging. But it was ok, I did wks 1-4 twice and then carried on. I’m on wk 10 now. There has definitely been an improvement in my position, I’m able to control my body better and my horse is happier with my more subtle aids. My coach, who has trained me on four different horses, is very pleased ( and I think surprised) with the change. I’m one of the oldest of this group. And I’ll do anything to stay fit enough to ride. Thank you, Nicola.

Vanessa Way – Taranaki, New Zealand

I am a professional Dressage Rider and Coach who competes at the top Grand Prix level, pushing my horses and myself physically to the highest level. I joined the DRT dressage program as I was wanting to improve my strength and performance in the saddle and gain any resultant advantage to my riding. Also, I had noticed that my flexibility had been deteriorating over recent months. I was finding that it was a constant struggle to remain even in the saddle due to several past fractures and resultant bad muscle memory. I can honestly say that joining this program has not only totally improved my evenness, but it has strengthened my ability to activate my core with a total new depth and understanding. I have become addicted to the app, loving everything from the recipes to the mediations and the generally great health advice.
This is by far my best purchase in years

Mary Robinson – Houston, Texas

Hi there! DRT1 has been a fantastic program! I was looking for a dressage specific workout program and DRT was recommended to me by a USDF gold medalist. I love how strong and balanced I’ve become – and my trainer has definitely noticed! My horse, Leo, and I are connecting so well during our rides now. I’m excited about the progress we’ll continue to make! Thank to Nicola for such a great program that really produces results!

Mary Mielczarek – Kentucky, USA

I’ve finished DRT2 and am going back over it to get more competent with the routines. DRT2 is challenging me to really target the moves that are particularly difficult for me as an individual. I feel that as I get better at the workouts, I will be at a significantly higher level of fitness; much more like an actual athlete. I’m looking forward to that. What I like about the DRT program in general is that it’s paced really well and targeted for fitness for riding. My riding improved from DRT1, Week 1. I was stronger and had more control over my body right away. I found each successive week to be an improvement on the one before without any plateaus or weeks where I did not feel progress. I also never felt like it was too hard or discouraging. The twenty minute segments are perfect for my lifestyle: when I’m finished with my morning workout I’m ready and energized for the day. I love this program. It is a huge part of my feeling like I’m always improving as a rider.

Cate Cockburn – NSW, Australia

When I started DRT 2 I was tentatively riding at novice level. After the 12 weeks Of DRT 2 my riding has improved out of sight and my coach Encouraged me to enter an Elementary test. Here I am on my way to getting 63 % .not bad for this rank amateur! I can’t believe how much stronger fitter amd more supple I am! Thanks DRT.

Rebekka Blumer – Richenthal, Switzerland

DRT2 is a great programme! It’s great to experience what one can do with his body and how this immediately relates to ones riding. I achieved a lot over the 12 weeks and I am sure my horses are happy with me working so hard: it is to their benefit! Thanks for the great work you do – keep up with it.

Christine Baxter – South Lanarkshire, UK

I completed DRT3 last week and it was an amazing feeling! It’s taken me a week to get my head round how much progress I have made over the last year. I now have the most toned legs ever, I’m 65 so that’s a lot of ‘ever’, my upper body is also much stronger and this has had an impact on my riding and how my horse reacts to my aids. I loved being able to keep up with what you were doing throughout most of the sessions, There were a few that I needed to take more slowly so that my balance and coordination could kick in but the feeling of achievement once I got there was amazing. The session on the gym ball with the resistance bands acting like reins reinforced just how much my balance and strength have improved. I could kneel up tall and strong, I could draw my elbows back together and individually, my shoulders stayed soft and down and I could do this easily. This really brought home to me the impact that my improved strength and fitness must be having on my horse as he no longer has to compensate for my weaknesses.

I had major stomach surgery last November and as a result my abdominal muscles are not as strong as I would like. I probably, subconsciously, protected them while working through DRT 1& 2 meaning that while my legs and arms are fantastic my abs are not as good. I’d love an ab specific element to work on. Is there such a thing already in the online gym?

Thank you Nicola for the help, guidance and support you have provided throughout my journey to fitness over this year. I intend to revisit DRT1 and 2, working through the more challenging choices this time so that my newly acquired fitness and confidence don’t suffer a relapse.

Kindest regards to you, Ben and your 4 legged support team

Susan Zuehlke – Littleton, USA

DRT has been a game changer for my training progression with Marty. He’s a young horse and the DRT program has given me more confidence in my abilities which has definitely translated to an increased confidence in him. Thank you for a sensible and outcome oriented program. I can’t wait for DRT 2!

Jolene Last – West Bend, USA

This is me and my horse, Teddy. I feel that I am your typical amateur (happy to have a horse that I can ride and snuggle). Work, family, and home life take up much of my time. I am fortunate to be able to start my day at the farm before the craziness of my day begins. The DRT program was the BEST program for me. Working out just 20 minutes a day was exactly what I needed to stick with the program. The explanation on how each workout was geared to my riding was wonderful and kept me engaged. I now have such a better connection with Teddy. My posture is better on and off my horse. I also have the stamina to ride for extended periods of time. My confidence in myself has skyrocketed, which only helps my dressage and jumping. I am extremely happy that I signed up for DRT, and I am fairly confident Teddy is too. Thank you, Nicola!

Ingrid Evers – Boutersem, Belgium

Hello Nicola, the program is very well tuned to the dressage riding. I enjoyed it a lot and it helped me develop flexibility and strength over the past period, also the yoga was very pleasant (and “zen”) to do. I also lost 4 kilo’s (8,82 pounds) that also helped ;-), still need to go further down with 3 kilo’s.
Unfortunately I could not do the homework during the last period because the saddles of my 2 horses are not fitting well and it takes a while before the saddle fitter came to us measuring… Also the work without stirrups is not yet a regular thing for me, I still need to exercise more. It is hard for me with my current consulting work (virtual working, sitting all day) to make enough time to train my horses. I hope next year will be better :-)…
Thank you so much , I plan to also follow your next trainings!

Mary Meland – Minneapolis, USA

Hi Nicola. I’ve completed levels 1 and 2 and am on my way through Level 2 again because I don’t want to ever lose the advances I have made in flexibility and balance with strength thrown in. When the pandemic permits, I am an active and very enthusiastic rider at age 78 with two prosthetic hips. I may just be in the best physical shape I have been in for the past 10 years! The variety of approaches to fitness that Nicola offers keeps me coming back for more and I love her positive attitude. It seems as though I’m training with a friend. I thought I would stop riding at age 75 but now I see no reason to stop something I enjoy so much. In fact, I just bought a new horse to ride when our barn reopens! Thanks, Nicola!

Judy Little – California, USA

Hi Nicola, I have been living overseas for many years and in the U.S for over 20 years. My riding has been sporadic until 15 years ago; I was able to take up Fox hunting in Georgia, U.S. I have enjoyed your course immensely, especially during the pandemic as we continue in Lockdown. Two aspects drove my motivation for the course. 1. my horse and I suffered from a painful back, and 2. we favor our right sides. While I can dream about being in NZ, I am working on tweaking all the “right” muscles so we can both enjoy our hunts without the aches and pain. I know my horse will appreciate the new me once I can travel to Georgia. While fitness has always been important to me, the focus on riding has been invaluable and unique. I feel confident that we will be happier and safer.

Mary Barron – New York, USA

HI Nicola: I just wanted to say Thank you for the DRT program. I have finished DRT2 and have found that it was a great addition to the DRT1 program. From the program, I found myself to be more balanced, physically fit to manage any riding issues and have better and more successful aides for Micah. The yoga, mobility and strength sessions, combined with the meditation series and the homework, are a well rounded program for any rider. Being a better more confident rider has made Micah a more confident horse and we are becoming a true team! I am looking forward to DRT3 and starting a great show career with Micah. Thank you!

John Rueter – Oregon, USA

Nicola, I had to restart DRT2 twice. The progressive nature of the program has helped me improve gradually over DRT1 and now into DRT2. I especially like the mixture of core, yoga, strength and homework. I think my riding has improved quite a bit since I started DRT1. For example, the other day I rode a spook on my new mare while in the 2-point. That’s an essential skill for me as an aspiring eventer. Thanks for all you do for us.

Manuela Witt – Switzerland

I love your training. I am so much fitter, happy and healthier.
My horses appreciate it too, I feel a big difference in my riding.
My posture is stronger and I can ride more horses now without getting exhausted.
Including my new Lifestyle I lost 10 kg.
Very happy customer. Best regard.

Alison Hall – Victoria, Australia

After not riding for a couple of years due to retiring my horse and moving house, I had really lost a lot of riding strength and coordination. Getting back in the saddle on a young horse is a challenge and I really noticed a change in my position and core strength. This effected my confidence and my riding ability.
DRT has helped so much to get my strength and balance back and to make me aware of just what I need to be working on to help both myself and Zeke perform well.
Thanks Nicola – have loved every minute of the 12 weeks- even concurred that damn fitball.

Catherine Deer – Yukon, Canada

Here’s Chance and I practising in my outdoor arena in the usual deep snow of our winters. I’ve really noticed how much my balance and core strength have improved since I started the DRT1 program, allowing me to do that. Although I’ve repeated DRT1, month 1 twice, I still like to revisit those exercises. With baby steps I’m noticing small increments of improvement. Riding for me in the winter really necessitates some core strength and balance as Chance has to “prance” through the deep snow! At least it’s a soft landing if I come off!

Selina Smith – Modbury, South Australia

Before discovering DRT I had been riding for many years, and although I had progressed with my riding I never felt truely great with it. I loved being with the horses and riding is what I love so that kept me going. There have been moments, including just before starting DRT that I seemed to be having more bad weeks then good ones, to the point I considered giving up riding. I just didn’t seem to have what it took to be a good rider. Then I discovered in a last ditched attempt to help myself and my riding (and in turn the horses I ride) Nicola’s program. It honestly felt heaven sent. I signed up for DRT1 and have just finished the 12 week program! Hooray! It hasn’t always been easy, there have been moments that I wasn’t sure I could do some exercises, but I preservered and found with patience and practice I could do the harder exercises! The 3 x 20 minute sessions are great, I found how to fit it in my weekly schedule, and my strength and flexibility increased at a gentle rate. As for my riding it has greatly improved. My coach has seen an improvement with my strength, seat and leg position and the response from the horses is markedly improved. I am so much happier and finally feel like an rider, and most importantly the horses are happier!
hank you Nicola for this amazing program and for the laughs! Your sessions are honest and real. I can’t wait for DRT2!!

Tracee Colvin – Manor, USA

I LOVE the DRT program. I have been steady and not so steady. Some weeks I’m gung ho, do all the workouts, all the homework and extras in between. The next week life happens and I’m lucky to get in the workouts. AND that’s why I love the program. Though it’s been 12 weeks I’m only on week 9 due to some restarts (another reason I love the program). The customer service is beyond compare. They even answer Facebook posts. I see DRT in my future forever.
As for riding I feel I’m much more balanced than before. I have a younger horse who previously threw me and broke my wrist. So, we had some baggage. Today he spooked several times at the wind and I never felt out of balance. But the breathing has been the best part of the exercise. When I get worried or he gets worried I just hear Nicola telling me to breath all the way down in my belly. It’s a miracle! Thank you DRT.

Jean Taggart – New York, USA

Here are several pictures of BB Bonnie Blue and me after a Dressage Hack. We are both getting stronger and I have enjoyed a Dressage Clinic from Chad Basile who will be visiting our area every other month. My exercises and stretching and yoga practice has helped with all of my horse time adventures. Hope you are safe and healthy, seasons greetings.

Belinda Brereton – Shropshire, United Kingdom

Hi Nicola, thanks for your email and all the training Videos that I have been receiving throughout the last twelve weeks. Here are photos of my three horses that I have in work at the moment.The black one is small tour, the chestnut at the competition is PSG and the one I’m doing pole work with is Grand Prix. I ride for Ireland In the small and Big Tour. I have enjoyed doing your DrT programme. It gave me a real incentive to do exercises outside riding. I found most of the training pretty easy until the last third of the course. Whilst there is a gap in training I am revisiting these last four weeks. I am on the black horse having a training session with Carl Hester, whom I’ve trained with for many years. The chestnut is at a local competition during the autumn and the pole work is in our arena at home in UK. Hope you like the photos!! Best wishes

Peggy Harder – California, USA

I really like the yoga sessions since that is something I haven’t done. I’m not a real supple person so the yoga is really helpful. I very much want to continue to the next sessions. I can do must exercises but still working on balancing on that ball. My home is on the central coast of Monterey in California. This picture is of me and my mare taken after a show a couple of years ago. I had a helmet on earlier.

Shannon McGlon – Alabama, USA

DRT 1 really helped me open my hip joints to sit deeper and engage my lower core for increased stability in the saddle. I need this despite riding and training most of my life, because middle age changes your body enough that focused, concise training is important.

DRT 2 has continued the journey in strengthening my upper body and cross-muscles for more strength diagonally through my core. This has significantly improved my stability in the saddle, and in lateral in particular. I am able to find stability that supports my horse as he works to improve his lateral balance. It has helped in ways both small and large. During DRT 2 I challenged myself to do more than 3 workouts a week, and I believe this has contributed to my overall fitness and balance. I can’t recommend this course enough – especially if you cannot ride daily or find “there’s just something missing” in your fitness!

Lucinda Murray – Victoria, Australia

Hi Nicola, thank you so much, the program has helped me immensely, I have a big 17hh warmblood and I had a couple of falls before starting the program, my core now is so strong and I am feeling so much more confident in the saddle as a result, thank you again.

Margaret Lomas – Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Hi Nicola, I finished DRT3 on Friday and started again at the beginning today because I am truly hooked on feeling this fit and strong. The program is just the right mix of attainable challenge and progression and it has made such a difference to the way I feel, and, hopefully ride! Before DRT1 I couldn’t even stand on one leg without falling over but now I can do exercises kneeling on the Swiss ball. It has been a real eye opener to realise that I don’t have to accept the physical limitations which come with getting older – I can do something about it. I think I am in better shape now than I have ever been, and I love feeling this way. I also love the other programs available on your website – it’s great to be able to dip in and do something else on the ‘in between’ days. I have discovered that I particularly enjoy yoga and that is making a huge difference to my flexibility. Thank you!

Christine Seddon – Waikato, New Zealand

I have completed level 2. My seat is much stronger when my horse shys when we are out going round the Lake. I’ll continue doing a mix of the programs every week.
You work hard even on your own as you know what the results bring in your riding. I’m a massage therapist for my career, and my strength level has increased with the program. Thanks for your effort in putting this all together.

Ingrid Sedihn – Adelsö, Sweden

DRT3 was the creme de la creme of the DRT programs. I have struggled with my seat for so long, not being able to really wrap my legs around the horse, and although DRT1 and 2 made a huge difference it wasn’t until I did the fascia work in number 3 that I started seeing real results. Now I can move with my horse in a whole new way, and as an awesome bonus I have also gotten rid of a lot of pain in my shoulders, hips, and knees. Thank You Nicola! Looking fwd to DRT 4!

Diana Seaver – Rhode Island, USA

The program has helped with a straighter back and sitting on my seat and stretching out my feet! Thank you,

Sue Byorick- Pennsylvania,USA

I have been practicing all I’ve been learning. Your program has been a huge turning point for me, and I sincerely thank you! I do yoga on all the off days! You are an awesome motivator for this 64 year old! Thank you again from Pennsylvania,USA!

Kat Rolen – New Mexico, USA

I loved DRT3. I really enjoyed the different format with the repeating cycles of the exercises. I thought the format really increased the intensity. I definitely noticed improvements in my balance and riding with DRT 1 and 2, but I noticed a huge improvement with DRT 3. I don’t compete in any discipline, but I suffered a riding related injury earlier this year that really blew my confidence. I feel so much more connected to my horse after DRT3 that my confidence has increased considerably. I trust my seat, and my ability to react quickly when I need to. It’s like my body naturally knows how to react before I can even think about it. It seems like I can feel how the horse is moving better too. The “sprinting homework” has also really helped me gain some of my fitness back, now that I have recovered from my injury. I’m already repeating DRT3 because it was such a great workout plan and it helped me so much!

Mark Krieg – Jenins, Switzerland

I have had many many dressage lessons. And I have gone to gym and done Pilates. Yet my riding was not satisfactory. I concluded that my core was not strong enough. Doing the DRT program showed that I had sufficient strength, I was not effective in the saddle. The way you combine the exercises with explanations of how one uses the muscles and muscle memory to ride, was of huge value and has made a fantastic difference to my riding. Wish I had this program 8 years ago when I hit difficulties with my super gelding. Thank you and best wishes, Mark

Bev Watson – Rutland, United Kingdom

Hi Nicola, I am still working my way through DRT2, and have taken a little more time over it because of a niggly old shoulder injury. However, I have found it every bit as enjoyable as DRT1 and love the 3 workouts per week which are easy to schedule and fun to do, wherever I may be. I see many riders spending lots of time and effort to help their horses get fit and flexible, whilst neglecting to ensure they are strong and balanced themselves! The programs have helped me so much to feel stable and safe in the saddle, and I think I’ve especially benefitted from the core and balance work. You definitely don’t need to be a dressage rider to benefit from these programs either! I’m simply an older ‘happy hacker’ but I’m enjoying my riding more than ever. Thank you for these great programs.
Kind regards,

Cathy Philo – Melbourne, Australia

The program is excellent – very well paced and every session is different which keeps it interesting – NZ is always sunny 🙂
I’m a total convert and really want to keep going, including revisiting parts of DRT1 and all the homework I missed during lockdown.
I am embarking on a journey with my new 6 year old – just had him for 3 weeks but its an exciting time for me to put all the DRT learnings into practice.
A genuine thank you for what you do – I’ve run marathons and done lots of running training but its really great to have someone who understands riding.

Donna Matthews – Manawatu, New Zealand

You don’t have to be a dressage rider for Nicolas programme to improve your riding. You can be competitive or riding in any discipline. Even if you don’t ride, this programme is fantastic. After a broken pelvis and ankle I knew I needed to try and rebalance my hips and spine so I was able to ride evenly again. The difference in my stability and mobility after the 12 week programme is really clear. I am going to repeat the second part of the programme so I continue to make gains. Thanks Nicola for your programme. It has truly helped me get back in the saddle with confidence. PS Looking forward to your next programme!

Vireena Peacock – NSW, Australia

Just keep your inside leg on the girth and your outside leg behind the girth”, instructed my coach during my lesson last week. “You should be able to move your legs independently”.

And I did it! And now I find I can position my legs independently FOR THE FIRST TIME! This very small step for the world was a huge leap for me as my legs have been lacking in control up to now. I also have so much more strength – especially on my weaker left side – I can differentiate between a kick and an increase in pressure. I can only put it down to much better core stability that has been achieved through DRT2. To say my pony is happier is truly an understatement!

Even though I am 55, I love that I am getting stronger, more balanced and flexible to a degree that I didn’t think was possible. This week to truly test my balance I had my daughter play catch with me while I knelt on my ball – I would never have thought that possible. I feel physically the best I have felt that I have felt since I was in my 20’s.

My final comment from my coach last week was “What’s the name of that program you have been doing? I’ve got another student who is crooked like you used to be. She could benefit from it to”.

With DRT2 adding so much more to what I had achieved with DRT , I can’t wait to see what DRT3 will do!

Pamela Langenberg – Victoria, Australia

Hi Nicola, thanks again for another great DRT program. This program really does live up to expectations. I found DRT2 more challenging than DRT1 however it was so worth it. I am stronger and more confident riding out now while not worry that any sudden movements are going to dislodge me. I am loving my new found strength.


As I eagerly await the start of DRT3, I am going back to week 6 (yes I have started a count down to DRT3) so by the time DRT3 starts I should be even stronger and fitter. WOOHOO! Keep up the good work. Here is a photo of my Connemarra – Mouse and I after a ride this weekend.

Tracey Keith – Taranaki, New Zealand

I am so very pleased I joined DRT, the program has helped me so much. I have a really old knee injury, no lower disc in my back as a riding accident crushed it and I have osteoarthritis in my neck (from an old work injury, turbulence in flight, I hit the roof of the aircraft) so, I started out in pretty bad shape, lol. I have an active lifestyle, did Pilates every morning, but still didn’t feel strong and confident in life or on my horse. I started the DRT program hoping it would help and wow even after the first week I felt a change, that is how I have felt all the way through, which meant there was never a time I didn’t feel motivated to keep going. I’m sure my gorgeous best mate Odi is eternally grateful as well, he was being ridden by a much more balanced and confident rider. My only problem was the weather hasn’t always been agreeable, boggy, wet paddocks are a bit of a problem. Roll on summer. Thank you Nicola from the bottom of my heart, I haven’t felt this good or happy with myself for many years, I’m looking forward to DRT 2. Warmest Regards Tracey

Germana Zollesi – Turin, Italy

Dear Nicola, thank you so much. I loved the program. For the first month it was fabulous: improved posture, improved concentration, lots of fun for both me and my mare. Then Tally hurt her hoof and is not healed yet. DRT was the lifeline to keep training. I am looking forward to using what I have learned and starting the new program.
Thank you again

Marilyn Hodgson – Washington, USA

I named my colt, Big Jim RM after my husband who passed away 3 years ago. At 74 I am working hard to stay in shape. DRT has been an amazing help in this effort! This photo is from the Region 5 Championship September 2020. I am preparing for the largest Arabian show in the world which takes place this coming February. I am relying heavily on DRT to help prepare me for the tough level of competition so I can make my husband in heaven proud of us!!

Sofia Sauvageot – Lorraine, France

Hi Nicola, I must say I really love these programs. I have taken a bit more time to do the DRT2 due to work and different events but I keep it up at a bit slower path and I really feel the difference in my riding!!! I have progressed so much in my fitness but also in my capability to relax and be soft when riding. I really feel so much more balanced in my mental as my physical body when riding. I have such an extremely sensitive horse and he for sure feels it and is so much more relaxed as well. I will complete the DRT2 program at my pace and I think I will run one of the bootcamps after to continue to work on my body and my fitness. It has been an amazing journey so far and I think it is the mix between strength, coordination and relaxation that makes the great success of these programs. Before I would not ride more than 3 to 4 days per week because my horse require very big mental presence but now I ride 5 to 6 days per week and my horse is really just asking for more. I am much more present in what I a doing and enjoying every minute with my horses.
Thanks a lot for this brilliant program that has been a life changer for me!

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