There are 4 elements of the Dressage Rider Training System:
Suppleness, Stability, Stamina & Mindset.
They combine to achieve Coalescence.
We are currently looking at the element MINDSET.
Your mindset governs the actions you take & decisions you make. The results you achieve both in riding and in life are directly related to your mindset.
Mindset to me is made up of the following 3 elements:
Focus is the ability to stay on task when there are distractions all around you. At any dressage show there are distractions everywhere, for both you and your horse! Being able to stay focussed on your own riding and what you need to do is a skill that can be learned. You are asking your horse to keep listening to you no matter what is happening around them. Well your horse needs the same from you.
Your thoughts are the second aspect that contribute to your mindset. Did you know that you have over 12,000 thoughts per day? Most of these are random and fleeting, it’s the thoughts that are persistent and tied to your belief and self worth that you need to learn to control. Nurturing positive thoughts and seeing the good in every situation, no matter how drastic, is a habit you can instil that will lead you to making good decisions and feeling good about yourself..
As humans, we need to have purpose and growth in order to feel good about ourselves. Knowing where you want to get to gives you confidence and a sense of purpose to your day. Setting goals on how you are going to get there will give you that challenge you need in order to grow, and the sense of self worth when you achieve them.
Dressage is a subjective sport and so much is out of your control. Your mindset and your ability to nurture positive thoughts, focussing on your own goals and what you can control is the single most valuable life skill you could have.
Which element do you want to explore next?
The 4 elements below combine to achieve coalescence.
What is coalescence?
Suppleness in your muscles, ligaments & joints allows you to move freely with your horses’ movement with less strain on your body.

Stability in the saddle gives you a centered & balanced seat, dramatically helping your horses’ movement.

Improved stamina allows you to ride for longer, maintain mental clarity & not make mistakes. It also reduces your risks of falling.

Your mindset governs the actions you take & decisions you make. Controlling it is the single best life-skill you could have.